jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019

A home business-Description and Messages

Group Description

This club is for people who likes freedom and want to stablish a home business, working with their personal computers, making money participating in online businesses, in wich it's not necessary to risk any single pennie to join. 

It's also for those who love doing their own writing creations coming from their hearts, to help others to have a better life, and have discovered that their brains are capables to do marvelous, if they believe in themselves. 

Este club es para toda la gente que quiere disfrutar de libertad cuidando su familia y quiere trabajar en su casa, usando su computadora para ganar dinero en la Internet sin el riesgo de tener que pagar costosas cuotas de registración y aún así poder comenzar a ganar dinero. También es para los que aman escribir lo que les nace de su corazón. Quienes desarrollan la creatividad de sus cerebros al máximo, creyendo y amándose a sí mismos primero, creando y embelleciendo su propio jardín para después obsequiarlo como bien común. © Cira Arroyo Fuentes (Wisesweetwoman)


Jan 30, 2001

Welcome to the Yahoo! Message Board for A HOME BUSINESS

3From wisesweetwoman:

Jan 30 2001

Welcome to the Yahoo! Message Board for A HOME BUSINESS

3From wisesweetwoman:

Jan 30 2001

Don't forget to visit my links section because
it's very helpfull to all.<br>No olviden visitar mi
secci�n de enlaces porque es de gran ayuda para todos. Si
necesitan informaci�n en Espa�ol mi correo electr�nico

12Feeling sad or lonely God is the answer

May 9, 2001

Don't think that just because you are so unhappy
today you will have to do something bad to forget your
lonely life and change its direction to a wrong path
because no body knows when the bad times are going to
pass, but what is for sure is that after the storm,
comes the peace and times of happiness. Just imaging
the good times coming again to your life and you
can't enjoy them just because you were so impatient and
had destroyed yourself. Only those who patiently
passed the bad times wisely doing good for others, what
is a good for themselves, are able to enjoy very
healthy the new happiness at maximum. It's really a shame
when people having just a few problems don't know how
to solve them and began having a lot of stress and
as a result they began taking different drugs for
their wrongly thinking that they will do good for them
to forget their sad living. This is the worst
mistake they can make because they began to fall and
destroy their bodies more and more and many of them never
will give themselves a little hope with faith that
some day they can have the opportunity of having the
pleasure of enjoying happiness again. <br>Life is a box
full of good and bad surprises that make us grow. We
have to meditate why the bad things happen, and find
the right solutions to them, but only with the help
of God we can have succsess. If we go back and think
we will realize that we aren't better now if those
bad experiences didn't ocurred. There is a saying
that tells " Bad things ocurred for good" . Life is
like a school where we can taste many things but we
have the freedom to chose which of them will do bad or
good to us. God is light to our lives and he always
touch all of us with spiritual counceling and it's our
decition to get his knowledge or let it apart. There are
many people who passed for worst situations and they
had the courage to surpass all their problems and
were very brave. Thanks to God they survived those bad
times having a good behavior because contrary of doing
the wrong things they spent their lives helping
others that were in need. There is a lot of satisfaction
when we let God to build our lonely time and take our
bodies and souls to a perfect world of dreams in which
we create what he wants us to do. It's a moment of
peace where he takes our minds and hands to make good
to others. It's most fantastic when the time passed
and we read or look back in what we did, thinking to
give the best to others, and we realize now that this
is a good feedback to ourselves too. There is no
reason why someone feeling sad or lonely begin to take
drugs alone or going ouside to a thirsty hang out to
find company. If the person is lucky and find good
friends with whom he or she can realize healthy
activities it will be perfect, but if he or she are unlucky
and mix with unworthy people this could be too
dangerous because can be the beginning of his or her
destruction. Individuals that can't support lonelyness or
sadness are in a great danger because they will begin to
do all the things that the group does in order to be
accepted for them and continued being friends. <br>If you
are unhappy or lonely pray to God to guide you to a
good path, you will be marvelous of how many healthy
and spiritual things he can do for you and others.
Just think what God is doing for me and for you at
this moment and you will realize that He is guiding me
for a healthy path with no drugs and is using me to
help you do the same now. Writing gives me a lot of
happiness. It's a gift that I received from him, but there
are so many different gifts he has for each of us.
The only thing you have to do is pray to him and he
will guide you in doing the activities you enjoy most.
God bless you.

13Afraid of what's happening in chats

Jun 30, 2001

I'm really afraid of what's happening in chats.
Everybody talk only about sex. Computers were made for
other purposes not only this one. People spend their
time in unworthy conversations, using a lot of bad
words constantly. What will be our future if everybody
stick to a computer waisting their time and their
lives? We see continuously how xxx pages pass in front
of us tempting all to enter them. There are no
respect to any chat room, even in the chat rooms for
children we see those links pass by. There are many people
using a vulgar vocabulary which is destroying all.
Since the moment we enter to the chat we see how people
don't have any respect to each other. In profiles many
adult pics are showed. The world's morality is been
destroyed for people who don't care about others, whose
purpose is make money no matter if they are destroying
all with the things they do and publish. There are
many interesting things we can do to build a better
world but we all have to help each other to do it.
While we are entering to chats we can also be surfing
many sites whose purpose is to educate us. We have to
be very smart respect using computers cause they can
be our salvation or our destruction if we don't use
them wisely.


Dic 6, 2012

I want to say that I'm sorry  because many people showed daring and unscrupulous pages that i was never decided according delete them all and restart my page with new members. Now anyone who wants to advertise must first ask my permission.

Thank you and I hope your understanding.

Quiero decirles que lo siento mucho pero debido a que muchas personas atrevidas e inescrupulosas mostraron páginas en las que nunca estuve de acuerdo decidí borrarlos a todos y recomenzar mi página con nuevos miembros. Ahora todo aquel que quiera anunciarse debe primero solicitar mi permiso para hacerlo.

Muchas Gracias y espero su comprensión.

From Wisesweetcrwoman

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